Understanding Children and Their Temperaments

One of the most sensitive and important issues parents have to contend with is the matter of their child’s temperament. Understanding children and their temperament is one important key to better growing-up development of each child’s personality vis-à-vis the world at large. 

Needs to Understand Your Child’s Temperament

There is never a better way of knowing your child than understanding his temperament. Doing so means you accept his uniqueness and not your pre-conceived ideas about him before he showed up in your life.

Understanding his temperament will help you in letting go and not blame yourself or your child for situations that are normal as seen from the point of view of your child’s temperament.

Understanding your child’s temperament can help you and your spouse plan strategies to deal with complicated circumstances and situations your child may find himself in. Mild situations need not escalate into major conflicts or difficulties that may cause harm for all parties, especially your child.

You will also understand better how your child learns on his own accord. Experts place fast-adjusting temperaments as those who learn more by doing and practicing. Slower-to-warm temperaments learn by watching and rehearsing internally. Remember, everyone is different.

In this situation, you will learn to forgive yourself and your child after some bad times. As authorities had expressed before, there are no bad temperaments, only that some are more challenging than others and it is up to you to meet up these challenge. Even the most challenging of situations can be “planned” in some way because it had been understood.

With everybody having their own temperaments, you will have to accept that yours and that of your child might not be great going together at present circumstances. However, you may want to look at the possibility that your child’s temperament might just work out fine for him out there in the world. It could happen, too, that maybe in the future your lives may work out fine.

Easy/Flexible Temperament

This child has a generally optimistic outlook, can adapt quickly and is usually positive. He is an easy learner, eats and sleeps regularly (has no trouble sleeping), pleasant and cheerful, And maintains a low-intensity mood.

He can be a crybaby and feels deeply some situations, but he has few significant emotional outbursts. This type comprises about 40% of all people.


The Feisty/Difficult/Spirited type has about 10% of the population, the opposite of the Easy /Flexible. This child is difficult to nap or feed in regular ways. Moreover, he has irregular bowel movements, and sometimes shows his mastery with some things in general.

He has tantrums, is fussy with things, hard to transition and is often unpleasant in manners and ways. On the other hand, he or she is bursting with energy, gets into mischief, and is capable of exploring anything with great intensity.

This type attracts all kinds of negative things and it is easy to scold, punish or even resent this child with this kind of temperament.

Slow-To-Warm Types

The 3rd temperament type is aptly called Slow-To-Warm. 15% of the population belongs to this category. Sometimes, these guys are mistaken for shy or highly-sensitive persons (which they sometimes are.) They usually observe a lot on the outside of things before coming in. he or she may have an irregular sleeping, feeding and other personal habits. This child seems to be always enjoying things or doing them at his own sweet pace.

The rest of the population (35%) cannot be categorized or typed into a group with a pervading form of temperament to classify. The only feature they have is that they all have all features of all three temperaments.

In all these temperament types, you will also find yours. Understanding children and their temperaments also includes understanding your own. Doing so will open your eyes to the many areas where your can connect to that of your child’s, whether you are compatible with each other or not.

To raise well behaved kids visit  Better Behavior Wheel Parenting Tool

Understanding Children And Behavior Issues

Behavior issues and the need in understanding children usually fall on teachers and parents. With teachers, dealing with children and their behavior issues brings out another prickly issue of discipline.

Education experts and authorities agree that one way to deal with discipline is related to the outward behavior of children. It is composed of three ideas related to reinforcement – positive, negative, and punishment.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcements (primary and secondary reinforcements) are sometimes compared to the old ‘rewards system’. Basically, it is giving the children what they want or need after they have done what we wanted them to do.

Food, for example, given to the child as a prize for something done is a primary reinforcement. Secondary reinforcements are not rewarding at first, but they will be after accumulating for a period of time. Money is considered a secondary reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement

Negative reinforcement is a little difficult to explain because its use is not usually recognized. Negative reinforcement is something that, when removed, has to be made in order for it to go away. The seat-belt buzzer which gives out an annoying noise and will stop only when it is put on is one example of negative reinforcement.


Punishment as a mode of discipline is different from reinforcement. It is like some kind of an opposite because where reinforcement seeks to increase behavior, punishment seeks to decrease it. However, some punishments do not have direct connection to the behavior it is trying to discourage.


Extinction is the real opposite of reinforcement in the sense that it removes the rewards that encourage or keep a behavior going. A class clown gets laughter from everyone when he clowns around for attention. But if we ignore him, we use extinction which is the removal of rewards (laughter) that keep the clown going.


Still another way with discipline is having the children think about their actions and behaving in appropriate ways. Sanctions are calculated to help children behave and act in moral ways.

Sanctions include 1) temporary exclusion from the group; 2) calling the child’s attention to the consequences of his actions; 3) depriving the child of what he misused; and 4) restitution. Restitution means he must make good that which he has done wrong or ill.

Temporary exclusion means a child is asked to leave the group until he can participate and follow the group’s rules. Sometimes, this action does not work with all types. Shy types would leave and never come back.

Calling the attention of the child rule-breaker to the consequences of his actions (for instance, breaking crayons) is one other sanction. Again, sometimes not all child law-breakers will feel the weight of this. A child may defiantly declare that he does not care.
This means it could be the time to use the 3rd sanction.

Depriving the use of anything a child has abused or misused is sometimes effective. As with all sanctions, this is related to the child’s previous action. The child may not use any crayons because he broke them.

Restitution is a very important sanction that can be used in discipline. It means “making good that which you have harmed.” A child who broke the crayons of another must “restitute” or replace the crayons before he is admitted to the group again.

Understanding children and behavior issues are the primary considerations before instituting any method of discipline in schools and even in the homes. It is fair for all concerned – the offenders and the do-gooders.

To raise well behaved kids visit  Better Behavior Wheel Parenting Tool

Constructing Your Child's Healthy Sense of Self Esteem

Your child's self esteem is their mental foundation. A self-assured child is confident, secure, happy, well-adjusted and successful. They can solve problems that come their way, and it thrives under a loving parent's nurturing care.

What are some good ways to built self esteem in your child?

Most importantly, accept your child for who they are, and help them do the same. Teach your child that nobody is perfect, and that everyone makes mistakes. Show them how to learn and grow from their mistakes, and let them know that you also make mistakes.   Children with high self esteem are able to take lessons from mistakes and apply them down the road.  A child with low self esteem become frustrated and resort to self-depreciating behavior, such as calling themselves 'stupid' and vowing to 'never try that again.'
Help your child discover their abilities and talents, and encourage outlets for them to build on and improve them.  Praise a child not only for improvements in abilities and skills, but also for the traits they naturally possess.

Encourage your child to make positive choices.  Open an honest dialog with your child and discuss the possibilities with them.  Children who learn skills for making positive choices when they are younger are well-prepared for the tougher choices they have to make when they are older.

Ensure that you spend lots of quality time with your child, at least once a week. Whether you are shooting baskets or going out to grab a hamburger, take time to talk and keep in touch.  If you find it difficult to squeeze in quality time during a hectic week, take the time to talk about things during the drive to school or while they are helping you put the groceries away.

To raise well behaved kids visit  Better Behavior Wheel Parenting Tool

Clear Expectations Make Discipline Easier

Sometimes it can be very challenging to communicate anything with your child.  Setting clear expectations regarding what's acceptable behavior and what isn't imperative to successfully teaching your child right from wrong.  If the parameters are muddled or the child learns that in one situation the rules hold true yet in another situation the same rule does not, it makes for confusion and frustration on both sides.

Sit down with your child well in advance and line out the expectations and consequences of misbehaving or a misdeed.  Make it clear that in no uncertain terms is there any room for negotiation at the time of the infraction, and that should such a behavior occur you intend to be firm in your discipline.  Rules regarding your child's safety, health or well-being should have no room for negotiation when being set or enforced.  Other rules can be openly and honestly discussed with your child and an agreed upon action should be forged that both parents and child can agree upon.  If necessary, make a contract between parent and child.  Lay it all out in black and white, in language your child can clearly understand.  For younger children, you might want to develop a good behavior chart within the contract, and for each week that goes by without any infractions being noted, a favorite or special activity might be earned.  The connection between good deeds and special time with mom and/or dad might be just the currency they understand.

But all children need to understand that disciplining them is your way of teaching them what's acceptable behavior and what isn't.  It may seem as though children fight rules and regulations, but they truly know that such parameters are meant for their well-being, health, safety, and enable them to grow into a mature person capable of making wise decisions. 

To raise well behaved kids visit  Better Behavior Wheel Parenting Tool

Building You Child's Self Esteem

It's often been said that children learn what they live.  So if you're looking for a place to start helping your child build positive self esteem and self value, then you should show them your positive sense of self and strong self esteem.  Be positive when you speak about yourself and highlight your strengths. This will teach your child that it's okay to be proud of their talents, skills and abilities. 

Your child also benefits greatly from honest and positive praise.  Find something about them to praise each day.  You could even give your child a task you know they can complete and then praise them for a job well done after they're finished. Show your child that positive acts merit positive praise. 

When your child's feeling sad, angry or depressed, communicate openly, honestly and patiently with them. Listen to them without judging or criticizing.  They may not fully understand why they feel the way they do, so the opportunity to communicate with you about it may be what's needed to help them sort through a difficult situation.  Suggest positive behaviors and options as solutions, and make sure to leave that door of communication open so they know the next time they feel badly, they can come to you for help and know that you won't judge or punish them for how they're feeling.

Teach your child the importance of setting goals and developing a plan to meet that goal and complete that task.  Small projects are the best to start off with in the beginning.  Ensure that it's an appropriate task for your child, and not too complex.  Don't only give praise at the end of the project, but praise their accomplishments during the project as well.

Most importantly, tell your child "I love you" each and every day - many times throughout the day, in fact.  When they've behaved badly, remind yourself that it's not them you don't like, only their behavior.  Tuck short, sweet notes in their lunchboxes or coat pockets, or even send them a card in the mail.  Soon, they'll learn to say "I love you" just as easily and honestly in return.

To raise well behaved kids visit  Better Behavior Wheel Parenting Tool

Actively Listening to your Child

Communicating with our children can be a difficult task at times.  We feel like they're not listening to us; they feel like we're not listening to them.  Good listening and communications skills are essential to successful parenting.  Your child's feelings, views and opinions have worth, and you should make sure you take the time to sit down and listen openly and discuss them honestly.

It seems to be a natural tendency to react rather than to respond.  We pass judgment based on our own feelings and experiences.  However, responding means being receptive to our child's feelings and emotions and allowing them to express themselves openly and honestly without fear of repercussion from us.  By reacting, we send our child the message that their feelings and opinions are invalid.  But by responding and asking questions about why the child feels that way, it opens a dialog that allows them to discuss their feelings further, and allows you a better understanding of where they're coming from.  Responding also gives you an opportunity to work out a solution or a plan of action with your child that perhaps they would not have come up with on their own.  Your child will also appreciate the fact that maybe you do indeed understand how they feel. 

It's crucial in these situations to give your child your full and undivided attention.  Put down your newspaper, stop doing dishes, or turn off the television so you can hear the full situation and make eye contact with your child.   Keep calm, be inquisitive, and afterwards offer potential solutions to the problem. 

Don't discourage your child from feeling upset, angry, or frustrated.  Our initial instinct may be to say or do something to steer our child away from it, but this can be a detrimental tactic.  Again, listen to your child, ask questions to find out why they are feeling that way, and then offer potential solutions to alleviate the bad feeling.

Just as we do, our children have feelings and experience difficult situations.  By actively listening and participating with our child as they talk about it, it demonstrates to them that we do care, we want to help and we have similar experiences of our own that they can draw from.  Remember, respond - don't react.

For more information on teen parenting visit Teen Repair

Raising Your Young Adult: How to Deal with Stubborn Teenagers

The teenage years is a very difficult period not only for you as the parent but for you teenager as well. Most parents would ask how to deal with stubborn teenagers since this age is really where independence and individuality is cultivated. But you need not worry about this stage, a lot of parents have gone through their child's own teenage years and most of them have actually succeeded. 

Here are some hints on how to deal with stubborn teenagers:

One way to deal with stubborn teenagers is to listen very carefully – most parents are not aware of it, but stubborn teenagers can actually result from stubborn parents. After puberty, most kids think they are already adults ready to face the world; luckily, parents are wise enough to know that this is not true. However, parents may think too little of their teens to a point that they still treat them as kids whose ideas are just kid stuff.

The truth of the matter is, the teenager is more mature than kids, albeit still not mature enough – this means that your teenager may have something to say about themselves or the way they wish to be treated. Listen to what they say first before saying what you think. Oftentimes, parents just stubbornly and automatically deflect anything their teens have to say, this in turn makes the teenager just act like their stubborn parents and become stubborn teenagers.

When stubborn teenagers give their perspective, acknowledge it even if you do not agree. It is important for stubborn teenagers to know that you have heard their opinion on things. But you do not necessarily have to follow it or agree with it, after all, in most cases, your teen may just be asking for your advice or if you have other ideas in mind. After acknowledging your teen's idea it is then you can say what you think should be.

To deal with stubborn teenagers, imagine yourself in your teenager's shoes. You were also a teenager years or decades ago and you should know how difficult such times were. But do not dwell too much on your own experiences because your teen is probably facing different challenges in life. A lot of parents say things like "I know better because I have been there" in hopes of preventing their children from doing something. But that is actually an invitation for the child to be even more curious of such circumstances.

Another way to deal with stubborn teenagers is to avoid making use of labels when talking to your child, especially during arguments. Labels might sound meaningless when you blurt them out, but they can easily get into your teenager's mind whether the label is positive or negative. It is important to allow your teenager to let him or her self be without labels being attached. Otherwise, stubbornness might stem from your teenager's effort to veer away from the labels.

Try to avoid debating with your child about matters of opinion. Even if debates occur to convince a party of your opinion, what it actually does is to strengthen the other party's hold on their opinion as both of you create reasons for believing your stand. In this case it is better to show why your opinion might be better and allow your teenager to see for himself or herself what makes you think you are right.

Stubbornness is somewhat inevitable for teenagers, but it might actually be a necessary trait at this point where they are developing their identities. What matters is that you are there for them at this critical stage with much love and understanding. With an open mind and a sound heart you would be able to know how to deal with stubborn teenagers.

Did you know that there are simple but amazing methods for raising teenage kids? Raising your teen doesn't have to be an ordeal (for either of you). Learn how you can enjoy a calm, peaceful, and fulfilling relationship with your teen. Discover how to deal with stubborn teenagers visit Teen Repair

Baby Sleep Aids – So Everyone Can Sleep Well

How many times in the last few weeks have you tried to get your baby to sleep but to no avail?  Millions of families go through this every night and when all else fails, baby sleep aids can help you to get some of the sleep you deserve and crave for.

The problem is that there are many baby sleep aids available, so which one do you choose?    Here are a few examples of baby sleep aids that are commonly used and that you may wish to try to see if they’ll help to solve your baby’s sleeping problem..

Firstly, how can you go wrong with the good old blanket?  At some point, every single one of us has us clung on to a blanket as babies.  The comfort, security, and warmth will leave a baby feeling cozy and allow him to relax if he’s having trouble sleeping.  It’s one of the best and most used baby sleep aids ever.

As a variation of this, you could use some other transitional object such as a teddy bear, or possibly mom’s t-shirt, so that your baby can settle down with a smell that he or she is comfortable with.

Unfortunately though, there are times when a blanket or other transitional object just won’t be enough, so you may wish to consider utilizing another baby sleep aid or baby sleep technique.

Night lights are also common baby sleep aids and can help make your child feel a little more comfortable in their dark surroundings.  Although we may not know it, babies may often wake up and cry because they aren’t used to being alone and they don’t recognise their surroundings.  A night light will give them security when they open their eyes. Being in familiar surroundings and being able to see the baby toys above the bed or stars on the ceiling will put them at ease.

Music or sounds are also great types of baby sleep aids you might want to try if you haven’t already.  Soft, carefree music such as classical musical at low volumes is very soothing for a baby’s ears which can help get them to sleep.  You could even leave this music playing through the entire night if it helped.  Alternatively, white noise, which can sound horrible to adults, can be extremely soothing for a baby.  A fan, having the television on, or even the sounds of nature …. birds, rain or whale sounds are very common. There are also white noise CD’s you can buy with the sound of a vacuum cleaner or washing machine etc. Again, these sound rather strange but really can help.

Although all of these are all capable baby sleep aids and many parents will testify to their effectiveness, it is also possible that none of them may work for your child.  No two children are the same and so there is unfortunately no single cure-all for baby sleeping problems.  However, with some tried and tested baby sleep techniques, a good sleep routine and the odd baby sleep aid thrown in for good measure, you and your baby can soon be getting the full nights sleep that you richly deserve.

Solve your baby's sleeping problems once and for all, visit  The Baby Sleep Solution

Solving a Baby Sleep Problem

As any parent will be aware, good quality baby sleep is an essential basis for a child’s future health and development. The pleasure in seeing a baby sleep is hardly measurable but having to see (and hear) your baby when they just won’t or can’t go to sleep can be torture for a parent.

To help in solving a baby sleep problem and to teach your baby to sleep through the night, getting your baby into a regular, fuss-free, sleep routine is so important.

If you haven’t already, you should seriously consider establishing some sort of bedtime routine for your baby. Routine helps to establish baby’s sleep pattern and once it is established your baby will be happier, more content, and more likely to sleep through the night.

Here are several things you can do to establish a bedtime routine for your baby:

Most of us have some kind of winding down routine before we go to sleep and this should be no different for your baby. Perhaps the sleep routine could begin with a bath, followed by a slow dimming of the lights (so they realise it is getting near to sleep time), then a change of nappy or diaper, putting them in the crib or cot and finishing with a bedtime story or lullaby.

You don’t need to follow the above routine to the letter, you may wish to do it in a different order, or have a different routine entirely, but the important thing is that you create a baby sleep routine that you follow night after night after night until it becomes a habit for your child.

Whenever you begin this routine, your baby will know that sleep is expected to follow. Babies and infants are creatures of habit, they enjoy the predictability of a sleep ritual and so a regular routine like this can help settle your baby more quickly and also increase the chances of him or her sleeping through the night.

Providing a routine and the same sleep environment each time is crucial to providing the ideal scenario for restful baby sleep.

You should begin a bedtime routine in the early weeks of your baby’s life if at all possible but if your baby is already older than this, just get a routine established as soon as you can.

If you already have some sort of sleep routine for your child but they still have a baby sleep problem, take a close look at the bedtime routine you have created for your baby to see if can be improved.

You should also create a daily naptime routine too when it is feasible to do so as this helps night time sleep very much.

Solve your baby's sleeping problems for good, visit The Baby Sleep Solution

What Parents Should Know About a Baby Sleep Pattern

Is there anything more precious than a sleeping baby? I think not. But that is as long as they are sleeping. Babies are notorious for being wide awake and ready to go at night time and ready to rest and sleep during the day. This would be fine if the rest of the world operated like this. But it doesn’t. So what exactly does a baby sleep pattern look like?

How is a Baby’s Sleep Pattern Different than an Adult’s?

Yes, babies sleep a lot, especially newborns. Your new baby will sleep about 16 to 18 hours a day. Unfortunately, this is not during the typical hours of 6pm and 8am. A baby’s sleep pattern is much shorter than an adult’s and this is why babies continually wake. When an adult wakes from sleep they roll over and go back to sleep, this is not so easy for a baby. A baby has not yet learned how to go back to sleep. It seems odd that this is a learned behavior, but it’s true. Until your new baby learns how to fall back to sleep, he or she will rely on you to help them get back to sleep.

A baby sleep pattern also has double the amount of light sleep cycles than an adult’s. For the sleep deprived adult desperately trying everything to lull their precious bundle to sleep, this can be excruciating. Because of the many light sleep cycles, babies wake up very easily. You’ve rocked, cuddled and finally little Jr. nods off. You slip off to the nursery and just as Jr. touches the mattress he wakes up! Back to the rocking chair! Understanding this aspect of a baby sleep pattern will at least help you keep your patience, if not anything else.

How Can I Help my Baby Sleep Better?

Naturally, as a newborn matures, so will the baby’s sleep pattern. Ideally, by the time baby reaches 7-12 weeks, a regular sleep pattern will have been established. And hopefully, this will be between the hours of 10 pm – 7 am. New parents can hang onto the hope that by the time baby is 6 months old, your baby’s sleep pattern will include up to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

If baby is fussy, make sure that the diaper is clean, that he or she is well fed and just the right temperature. Since crying is the only means of communication, a fussy baby could have one of many things wrong. A comfortable baby is more likely to fall asleep. If his or her face is red or if the hair is damp, baby is too warm. No one is comfortable when he or she is too warm and this includes babies. Just remove a blanket or turn down the heat and watch as your baby’s sleep pattern comes naturally.

Solve your baby's sleeping problems, visit The Baby Sleep Solution

Coping with Infant Sleep Disorders

Unfortunately, sleep disorders can plague infants as well as adults.

There are many types of infant sleep disorders, however a physician is often the only person who can properly diagnose them.

Infants have irregular sleep patterns because of their need to frequently eat. There are some sleep disorders that are learned behavior instead of a legitimate disease. These types of sleep disorders can be overcome without medication by changing the child’s environment and gently teaching them to improve their sleep habits.

As a child gets older, they go through a period of having nightmares. Sleep terrors or night terrors are other forms of sleep disorders. The child usually outgrows these forms of sleep disorders.

Infant sleep apnea is defined as an infant who stops breathing for short periods of time in their sleep. This type of sleep disorder is diagnosed most in premature babies. In fact, it is a proven fact that a premature baby is more likely to have sleep apnea than a baby that is born at full term.

Usually, all that is needed is to rub the baby’s back or nudge them and they will start breathing on their own again. In rare cases, infant CPR is needed to revive the baby.

Bringing home an infant who suffers from sleep apnea is a very scary time in any parent’s life. The fear of their child stopping breathing in the middle of the night can cause any parent to sit up all night beside the crib.

Before any hospital releases a baby who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the parent or parents are required to go through an infant CPR course.

When the baby is released, it is usually with a piece of machinery called an apnea monitor. This type of monitor is attached to the baby’s chest with electrodes that monitor the baby’s breathing. The monitor is adjusted to each baby and will only sound if it detects abnormal breathing patterns.

If the baby’s breathing is too shallow or stops altogether, the monitor will sound a loud high-pitched alarm to alert you of the danger.

For anyone who has experienced this sound, especially in the middle of the night, it can be a heart stopping experience.

The baby needs to be attached to the monitor all of the time he or she is sleeping. During waking hours, it is not necessary to use the monitor.

Medical personnel will go to your home and take readings from the monitor to make sure that it is working properly and also that it is being used properly. They will then forward a report to your baby’s pediatrician for him or her to monitor.

Only your baby’s pediatrician can determine when the monitor is no longer necessary. He or she will discuss with you the progress of your baby before any decisions are finalized.

Solve your baby's sleeping problems visit The Baby Sleep Solution

Baby Monitors – How to Choose the Ideal Monitor for Your Baby

When you are expecting a baby, you want to make sure that the nursery is complete. You have the crib, the changing table, the dresser and the mobile, but do you have a baby monitor?

A baby monitor is an electronic device that allows you to hear your baby crying even if you are in another part of your house.

A baby monitor comes in two pieces. The transmitter, which is placed in the nursery and the receiver that is placed in whatever room you are in.

Standard baby monitors can transmit up to six hundred feet but there are some deluxe models that can transmit up to three thousand feet.

A baby monitor receiver runs on batteries (so that it can be portable and you can carry it around the house with you), while the transmitter is plugged into an outlet. Most will have back-up batteries in case of power failure.

When you are shopping for a baby monitor, it is important to test it before you buy. Most retailers understand your needs and will have no objections. You are looking for a clear sound. If you hear static, then move on to another brand. Remember you get what you pay for. It is better to spend a little more now and have the assurance that your baby’s needs won’t go unattended because you didn’t hear him or her.

As you would expect, some baby monitors are very basic whereas others have all of the possible ‘bells and whistles’. Some of the features you may wish to consider when buying a monitor are as follows:

An indicator light on the receiver that will alert you when the batteries are low and need to be changed. You don’t want to think that all is quiet in baby’s room only to find that in fact your batteries have run out.

Another light display on some monitors will allow you to see if your baby is crying without turning up the volume. There is a set of lights on the receiver. The louder your baby cries, the more lights are lit up.

If you have a large home or enjoy working in your garden, it is possible to buy multiple receivers for different areas of your home.

For those who want to monitor the baby even more closely, there are some baby monitors that have motion detectors, and even video so you can see what your baby is doing.

There are a few disadvantages to having a baby monitor. It is sometimes possible to hear conversations of nearby neighbors if they are using a cell or cordless phone. This has been a concern since the inception of cordless phones and can create a problem if you have a cordless phone in your own home also. Baby monitor companies have recognized this problem however and have developed monitors that have multiple channels. With these, all you have to do is change the channel and the problem is eliminated.

The peace of mind a parent gains from knowing that baby is sleeping happily is immeasurable. A carefully chosen baby monitor helps to give you that peace of mind wherever you are in your house.

Is your baby having sleeping problems? Solve your baby's sleep problems, visit The Baby Sleep Solution

Baby Sleep Safety – Reducing the Risk of SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the largest known cause of death in children under the age of one. This terrifying syndrome occurs while the baby is sleeping. To date there is no known cure, or reason for that matter, as to why some children are affected while others aren’t. But the simple fact is that
over 2,500 babies die in the US each year from SIDS. Although the number of deaths have been lowered by around 40% by taking several preventative approaches and incorporating baby sleep safety methods to safe guard children from SIDS, there is no known way to fully avoid the occurrence of SIDS.

Baby Sleep Safety Tips. Here are some tips that can help to reduce the risk of SIDS:
  • Lay baby on his or her back. SIDS has been closely linked to children sleeping on their tummies.
  • Use a firm mattress. Avoid fluffy toys or pillows that may cause suffocation.
  • Don’t let baby get over heated during the night. Babies have a higher body temperature than we do and don’t require as many blankets – Don’t let baby freeze either though!
  • Don’t smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs before or after baby’s birth. Cigarette smoke is a known contributor to SIDS.
  • Participate in early and parental care clinics, especially if you are a first time parent.
  • Breast feed baby if at all possible. Babies that are breast-fed are statistically less likely to die from SIDS.
  • Offer your baby a pacifier during the first year of life. It is not known why but babies that are given pacifiers in the early stages of life are less likely to be claimed by SIDS.
  • Don’t sleep with baby in the same bed or let baby sleep in an adult bed. The baby has a greater risk of suffocation when in a bed designed for an adult. It is ok to comfort and feed baby in bed as long as he or she is returned to his or her proper bed afterward.
SIDS is unlike any other syndrome or disease. Most conditions surrounding an infant’s death are diagnosed by the symptoms associated with the death. SIDS on the other hand is only given as a diagnosis once all other possibilities are ruled out.

Risk Factors
. There are several specific risk factors or notable trends that can be seen in data relating to SIDS. These risks should be addressed and noted by parents that have babies in a high-risk category.
  • More boys than girls die from SIDS. There is not much that can be done about this statistic, it is more of
  • a notation.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol and drug use are believed to be among the main contributing factors to SIDS. Simply put, if you value the life of your child, refrain from using harmful drugs such as these!
  • Poor parental care. Inexperienced or young parents are the highest risk. As long as a parent takes the time to get early and regular parental care checks and have the support of family and friends, there is much less risk of this occurring.
  • Premature babies are at a high risk of SIDS. Premature babies are born with a disadvantage to begin with and are usually very weak and under developed. This is more a notation than a prevention.
  • Mothers who are younger that 20 are at risk of having a baby die from SIDS. This can be for a variety of reasons such as inexperience or unintentional neglect.
By using the above tips and making yourself aware of the risk factors and taking baby sleep safety precautions you can reduce the likelihood of losing a child to SIDS. For parents who have lost a child to SIDS there are many wonderful support groups available to help go through the grieving process. To learn more visit The Baby Sleep Solution

Teenage Parenting

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Heartbroken Teen - Nursing Your Teen Through a Broken Heart

We're all familiar with puppy love. Given adolescent intelligence (or lack thereof) coupled with a higher hormone rate and lower emotional maturity, it's part of the natural process that a teenager's first love will be blown all out of proportion and turned, in the teenager's mind, into the "one true love" that he or she can't live without. While as parents and mature adults we know better, it doesn't change the fact that getting dumped is an extremely painful experience for a teenager, especially if it's a first. Here are a few sage pieces of advice to help you cope with a heartbroken teen.

Don't Downplay Their Pain - some parents make the mistake of saying inanities to their heartbroken teen like "It Will Get Easier Over Time" or some such. Yes, we know it will, but we've had far more years to build up a tolerance to emotional pain than the average teenager. Because they haven't lived as long or gone through as much as we have, always remember that the pain they are experiencing will probably be the worst they have ever encountered in their relatively short lives. Trying to get them to forget the pain by actively countering it only makes it worse. Let the pain run its course. Then, redirect their emotions towards something more lighthearted. Make them laugh if you can, or help them remember something that will make them smile.
Offer Constructive Advice - once your teenager's pain has lessened a bit, either by catharsis or by your making your heartbroken teen laugh a bit, THEN you should offer constructive advice to your heartbroken teen. Focus their attention towards logical solutions to what they see as an earth shattering problem. Don't tell your heartbroken teen what to do; use leading questions that help him or her come to the conclusions on their own. This forces their minds to work, and the very act of applying logic to what is essentially an emotional problem will focus their attention away from their hurt.

"I Told You So" and "I'm Older So I Know Better" DOES NOT WORK - this is something that, sadly, most parents are prone to. Nagging your heartbroken teen during a time of emotional crisis is a sure fire way to make your teen dig in his or her heels and rebel against you. Avoid making what you say sound like a lecture or a dressing down because this will only convince your heartbroken teen about the "rightness" of his or her decision, despite evidence to the contrary. And naturally, since they will think that they're "right", it just makes the breakup all the more "wrong", amplifying their confusion and pain.

DON'T Forbid Vices - lastly, some parents naturally worry that their heartbroken teen will get into something like smoking, alcohol, or illegal drugs as a means of escapism from the heartache. Sadly, this HAS been known to happen often, but remember that the best way to get your heartbroken teen to try something out is to actually forbid it. During this time of pain your heartbroken teen will be even more prone to react in this fashion. So, unless your heartbroken teen brings up the topic, don't even mention that they should try and avoid the bad juju. If they do bring it up, deal with it as diplomatically as possible without making it sound like a prohibition. One good way is to simply tell them that they're mature enough to make their own decisions, and that you trust them to think things through for themselves. This implied faith in them serves to both make them feel better, and forces them to think and act instead of just reacting to their pain.

Did you know that dealing with a heartbroken teen and raising teens doesn't have to be an ordeal (for either of you)? Learn how you can enjoy a calm, peaceful, and fulfilling relationship with your teen. Discover the simple but amazing method for raising teenage kids visit Teen Repair

Good Parenting - How to Successfully Raise Teenagers

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The Simple But Amazing Method For Raising Teenage Kids -- And Living To Tell About It!"

Raising your teen doesn't have to be an ordeal (for either of you). Learn how you can enjoy a calm, peaceful, and fulfilling relationship with your teen.

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Being a parent and learning to raise teenagers could be a real challenge for you and your kids. Teenagers are generally stubborn since this is the age where they are beginning to seek independence and developing their own identity. As a parent you need skills and knowledge on how to deal with teens to successfully create a good relationship with your teenage kids. Here are some tips:

Be a good example. Parents should be a living example of their kids. Practice what you preach. You can effectively raise teenagers and make them responsible young adults if you are a good example to them.

Listen. One way to raise teenagers is to listen and pay attention to them. Teenage kids are entering a new dimension in their life, thinking that they are already adults and ready to face the world. Although in most cases this not true, you have to recognize that teenagers are more mature than kids but they are not mature enough to decide for themselves and they need you. You need to listen to them, if they are trying to act as an adult, you also have to listen and treat them as an adult. You have to give them the chance to say what is on their minds before you butt in and say what you think.

Put yourself in their shoes. Another thing you can do to raise teenagers is to put yourself in their position. You were once a teenager and you know how challenging and difficult being a teenager. But bear in mind that things and situations now are different from the time you were on your teens. While it is not easy to raise teenagers, you have to understand that your teenage kids are facing new different challenges and difficulties.

Acknowledge their opinion. Although you do not have to always agree on their opinion and you need to set rules and boundaries, it is still important to make them feel that their opinion matters. If you believe in them and to what they can do, they will act in more responsible ways. If you underrate their opinions they may feel belittled making them more stubborn.

You can successfully raise teenagers if you are always there to give them guidance, love and understanding. Did you know that there are simple but amazing methods for raising teenage kids? Raising your teen doesn't have to be an ordeal for you and your kids. Learn how you can enjoy a calm, peaceful, and fulfilling relationship with your teen. Discover how to raise teenagers
Visit Teenage Parenting 101

Tips for Planning an Awesome Disney Vacation

Disney Vacation And Savings Travel Guide-Best tips, tricks and SAVINGS available for a Disney Vacation. You Don't Have To Be Rich To Have An Extravagant Disney World Vacation. See How Easily You Can Have A Disney World Vacation For A Fraction Of What Others Pay

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Going on a vacation to Disneyland? Whether it's a family vacation or a trip with friends, a visit to Disneyland is always cause for excitement. What better way to make sure your visit is perfect than with proper planning? Planning is a big part of having an awesome Disney vacation and you should never be too sure or too busy to make time for it. Here's how:

Timing is important. Plan your Disney vacation during a time when weather is comfortable and friendly. The summer may not be the best choice of all because it's usually hot and humid. And then there are those unpredictable summer storms that appear out of nowhere. Spring is usually the loveliest time of the year to visit or maybe October to have an awesome Disney vacation.

If you want to avoid the crowd, late November and early December will usually have smaller-than-usual number of visitors. You'll love the short lines and short waiting time to get to the rides and entertainment. But if summer is the only time you can go, don’t worry you can still have an awesome Disney vacation. There will be a lot of people, but Disney is quite efficient and effective in handling big crowds to make sure you will have an awesome Disney vacation.

Book ahead of time. It's only logical to get your bookings way ahead. Call your travel agent or your favorite airline and get your reservations in place. That way you can schedule your flight at a time that is best for you and you will surely have an awesome Disney vacation. You should also get in touch with the hotel where you will be staying. If you're going during peak seasons, you might have trouble finding a vacant room, so make sure you call ahead of time. Your airline and hotel might even throw in a good early bird discount.

Have a budget. Disneyland has dozens of wonderful places to go and visit and thousands of reasons to make you want to spend. A family of four will spend about $1,600 for a week of fun, including hotel room and entrance tickets if you buy during value season. If staying offsite seems less expensive, check out the hotels that are conveniently located. Figure in your expenses for meals, gas and a rental car. You have lots of options, so make sure to shop around to have an awesome Disney vacation.

Learn about Disneyland. Disneyland has four amazing places you can go to on a vacation: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot and MGM Studios. All of these means there are a lot of things you can do in so many places… and a lot of money to spend on souvenirs and gifts. That is why it's important that you learn about Disneyland, what it offers and what you want to do to have an awesome Disney vacation.

Find out about the most popular rides and entertainment and the times during the day when they are packed. You can avoid long queues by knowing which rides have more crowds and which rides don’t. To have an awesome Disney vacation, it's also important that you learn what time the park opens (so you can go in early) and what time it closes. The water parks are quite popular and will have long queues by noontime. Animal Kingdom closes early so you might want to schedule your visit early during the day.

Take it easy. There are so many things to see and you can't realistically enjoy them all in one day. A great thing to do is to go to the parks early, take the most popular rides and go back to take a rest in your hotel or resort at noon time when the sun is hottest. When you are well rested and refreshed, return to the parks in the late afternoons or early evening. Better yet, learn to use common Disney tools such as the transportation system and Fastpass strategically to ensure you will have an awesome Disney vacation.

Enjoy yourself. Learn to improvise. You're there for an awesome Disney vacation and with so much happening at the same time; something just might not go as well as planned. If this happens, relax. Don’t let a small glitch ruin your Disney vacation. Have fun with your family and enjoy an awesome Disney vacation.

You don't have to be rich to have an extravagant Disney world vacation. Did you know that you can have an awesome Disney vacation for a fraction of what others pay? Discover the best tips, tricks, savings and strategies that can literally save you hundreds-if not thousands of dollars for a Disney vacation visit Disney Vacation And Savings Travel Guide.

Visit Disney Vacation And Savings Travel Guide

How to Protect Your Kids from Internet Predators and Cyber Bullies

PC-Tattletale Parental Control Software. Protecting Your Child From Internet Predators, Pedophiles, Cyber Stalkers, Online Sex Offenders When You're Not There. Helps protect you and your children when they're online.

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Once confined to the older high school and middle school kids, internet predators and cyber bullying are slowly but steadily infecting even younger kids. This makes it more important for parents to step up their vigilance and protect their kids from these high-tech bullies. Fortunately, as a parent, there are ways that you can use to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullying to avoid damage to your child. Here's how:

Take your kids complaint seriously to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. It's not about over-reacting -- it's about being there to support your child if he or she ever becomes a victim of internet predators. Watch your child for signs that he may be troubled, upset or scared. Don't belittle his feelings or the threats he receives, summing it up as child's play. If you want to protect your kids from internet predators then stop the harassment before it becomes a bigger problem.

Communicate and draw up a plan. Many cases of cyber bullying have occurred without parents knowing them. It is only when the damage is already too much that parents learn their child was being victimized. Encourage your kids to open up to you by maintaining clear lines of communication to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. Be open minded and loving, letting your child know he or she can rely on you for support and protection will give you the chance to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies.

Work out a plan with your kids on what they should do to protect your kids from internet predators and bullies. Include a simple 'no-response' rule in your plan by telling your kids to avoid replying to a hurtful message and instead, reporting it to you, a trusted school teacher or school staff. If your child is prepared, he will be better at handling the situation should it occur to him.

Learn the walk and talk. You can't protect your kids from internet predators if you know nothing about the technology that made cyber bullying possible in the first place. Learn to use the computer and find out about the lingo, if you can.

Set limits. Without encroaching on your child's privacy, try to keep the computer in another area of the house where you can monitor any activity that may constitute bullying. You'll be more likely to stop cyber bullying early and protect your kids from internet predators if you know what's going on.

Save the evidence. You may need it to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. If your child ever receives a message or e-mail that is slanderous and hateful, save it and print it out as evidence. You will need this to help you identify who the bully is and get in touch with the authorities. If the cyber bullying escalates, you will need this evidence to show to the authorities.

Teach your child to be assertive. This can protect your kids from internet predators when you are not around. You can only protect your children up to a point. When they're out at school or in other social settings, they will be exposed to other influences and will be on their own. Teach them coping skills and encourage them to stand on their own feet. Kids who are more assertive and confident are often avoided by bullies (cyber or otherwise) because they prefer the shy, seemingly weak ones to target.

Begin at home to protect your kids from internet predators and cyber bullies. Values may be an old-fashioned quality to teach your child, but they are still very much important in bringing up a child who is not only responsible but socially aware and sensitive. Take time to teach kids being responsible for their actions.

Don't assume your child will understand what's right and wrong. It's your job as a parent to teach them to be responsible members of society and the time to do that is now. It is your job as a parent to protect your kinds from internet predators.

As a parent, you have to ask yourself: "Is my child safe when they're online?" Don't bet on it. With an estimated one million pedophiles online, you need parental controls to protect your children from internet predators and from child molesters.

How can you protect your kids from internet predators, pedophiles, cyber stalkers, online sex offenders when you're not there? The Internet is the most dangerous place for your child to venture unsupervised. Did you know that you can still protect your kids from internet predators and even if you are not around? PC Tattletale helps protect you and your children when they're online. Take control of your child's online experiences and keep them safe right now visit PC-Tattletale Parental Control Software

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Parenting Issues: Child Custody

Child Custody: Psychologists Strategies - Unique Program That Will Give You The Best Chance of Winning a Favorable Custody Arrangement

Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot, two of the country's most famous and respected child custody experts, have developed a unique program that gives you the best chance of winning a favorable custody arrangement.

Visit Child Custody: Psychologists Strategies

How to Get a Favorable Child Custody Arrangement

Child Custody: Psychologists Strategies - Unique Program That Will Give You The Best Chance of Winning a Favorable Custody Arrangement

Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot, two of the country's most famous and respected child custody experts, have developed a unique program that gives you the best chance of winning a favorable custody arrangement.

Visit Child Custody: Psychologists Strategies

Marriage may fail. You may find yourself not being able to get along well with your spouse. Thus, you might end up living separately, but this does not mean that you will also concede to being apart to your kids. In this case, knowing how to get a favorable child custody arrangement is very crucial.

Custody pertains to the legal and custodial rights of the parent to the child. It also entails certain duties and responsibilities that must be met by the parent. There are different alternatives and setups as to child custody arrangement. Parents may work out for a joint legal custody. One parent may also insist for sole custody. The choice of arrangement depends primarily on the state that you belong to. There might be a policy adhered to by your locality that will determine the arrangement. The choice can also depend on the situations of the spouses, as well as the needs of the child.

It is very crucial that you get to know the important considerations factored in so you can know how to get a favorable child custody arrangement. This may not be an easy thing to do but it is something that you can do. Know where you stand and firmly hold on things that will give you the winning edge.

How to Get a Favorable Child Custody Arrangement

Here are some pointers to keep in mind. These will help you learn the ways on how to get a favorable child custody arrangement.

1. Best Interests of the Child. Almost all of the child custody arrangements will focus on the best interests of the child. There will be no definite formula to determine the best interests of the child. However, keep in mind that this will always depend on the circumstances of the parents and the needs of the child. Thus, you may want to consider the aspects that you possess. These must show that you can provide the most favorable setup for the child.

2. Be Careful in Telling Your Motivation. You should also be wary of the things that you will tell to the judge or mediator. Watch your words, to get a better chance for a favorable child custody arrangement. Most people think that they can win a case by making the other spouse look bad. However, it is important to simply focus on the situation and stress on your good points. Sometimes, bashing your wife or husband might be interpreted as your mere move to retaliate.

3. Get a Good Representation. Some people go through the custody action without any representation. However, it can be very crucial to get an attorney who can properly represent you to get a favorable child custody arrangement. Many people worry over this, fearing that they may have to hire some expensive lawyer to get their desired results.

All you really need to know is how to access the services of an attorney who has sufficient experience in the field to get a favorable child custody arrangement. He or she must know at least some evaluators or guardians who can help in the procedure.

4. Control Your Emotions. Most judges and mediators will evaluate the capacities of the parents through their impressions. Thus, it is very important to keep your cool during the evaluation to get a better chance for a favorable child custody arrangement. Make sure you stay calm even if things are not going the way you want them. Always stick to your priority of doing the best for your child.

5. Maintain Good Relations with Your Child. Finally, it is best that you stay in contact with your kids. Be the good parent to them so that they can survive this phase. You will naturally work towards knowing how to get a favorable child custody arrangement if you feel deep in your heart the care for your child.

There are many ways to explore on how to get a favorable child custody arrangement. Just always prioritize how your kids are doing. Your being a good parent will be your number one key.

If you are presently involved in a child custody dispute (or might be involved in one in the future) this is the information of great importance that you should have. Discover a unique program developed by respected child custody experts that will give you the best chance of winning a favorable child custody arrangement visit Child Custody: Psychologists Strategies

Develop Your Child's Genius

How To Develop Your Child’s Genius -Your Child, Too, Can Be a Genius! Imagine how successful your child can be with a brilliant mind, lightning-fast learning skills, an accurate, lasting memory, creativity and problem solving skills of a genius.

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Intelligence Development in Young Children - Research

By Esther Andrews

New and very exciting discoveries about brain development are being made all the time, and especially recently, when research has accelerated and increased, as a result of new technologies that make it possible to research the brain using unobtrusive methods. This time I'd like to write about a few research reports that were published recently, and what the researchers suggest to parents and educators in regards to activities they can do with children.

David Armor, a professor at the school of Public Policy at George Mason University, has found that, "Parents have more impact on their child's IQ than any other persons or institutions, including schools. The impact is greatest in infancy and early childhood, much less after ages eight or nine." As a result of his research, a few of the things he suggests to parents are:

* Take care of your own education.
* Wait until you are at least in your 20's before having a child.
* Get good nutrition and pre-natal healthcare.
* Breastfeed your child as long as possible.
* Spend as much time as possible instructing your child, starting as early as possible, in reading, numbers, shapes, colors, etc.
* Expose your child to as many experiences outside the home as possible.

Americans tend to believe that their children's intelligence is either innate or based on what they learn in school; Armor's research shows the importance of another set of influences: early family environments. There is ample evidence that a child's intelligence is not fully given at birth, but continues to evolve and change at least through the early elementary school years.

A new research published by UC Irvine, shows that piano and computer training boost student math achievements. The study involved 135 second grade students, who took piano lessons and practiced solving math puzzles on a computer. Their math skills improved significantly. This study was published in the March issue of the journal Neurological Research. The study was led by UCI physics professor emeritus Gordon Shaw, who said that this was the latest in a series that link musical training to the development of higher brain functions. Only 4 months of the aforementioned activities increased the scores on fractions tests and proportional math by 27%. Piano instruction is thought to enhance the brain's 'hard wiring' for spatial-temporal reasoning, or the ability to visualize and transform objects in space and time, Shaw said. Music involves ratios, fractions, proportions and thinking in space and time.

Marian Diamond, a professor of Anatomy/Neuroanatomy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a former Director of the Lawrence Hall of Science, as a result of her research in the laboratory, suggested to stimulate all the senses, but not necessarily all at once. A multisensory enrichment develops all of the cortex: whereas, an input from a single task stimulates the growth of only a precise area of the brain. She also suggests setting the stage for enriching the cortex by first providing a steady source of positive emotional support - love, encouragement, warmth and caring. She suggests to present to the child a series of challenges that are neither too easy nor too difficult for the child at his or her stage of development. Allowing for social interaction is very important, as well as providing sound nutrition. She also mentions the importance of promoting the development of a broad range of skills and interests that are mental, physical, aesthetic, social and emotional.

Navzer Engineer, Cherie Percaccio and Michael Kilgard, researchers at the University of Texas at Dallas, have mentioned that brains of both animals and humans are "plastic" throughout one's lifetime. They commented that the plasticity, the capacity of the brain to change, is strongly influenced by environmental conditions. Their research showed that stimulating environments increase brain thickness, the number of neurons, and the number of connections between the neurons. They also found that when transferred back to a standard environment from the enriched (more stimulating) one, responses decreased by as much as 60% within a week of moving to the boring environment.

Dr. Beatriz Marique conducted a research in Venezuela, for a period of over sixteen years. The goal of her research was to analyze the relationship between stimulation and the development of in-uterus fetus, newborns and children up to the age of six. The research population included Venezuelan first time mothers with healthy pregnancies, and their children. In this research it was shown that from the very moment of birth, the babies who were enriched by a stimulating environment were more alert and turned their heads towards their parents. They recognized the music they heard in the womb. They were dynamic and relaxed, had initiative and were very curious. They had good hand-eye coordination, they laughed easily and were very social.

In other research, there is evidence that Omega-3 fats contribute to brain development in young children, and that when mothers have a diet rich in Omega-3 foods (cold water fish fish like Salmon, Trout and Sardines and Flax seed and nuts) while pregnant, the substance will be present in the baby's body. Also, mothers who have a diet rich in these food, will have more DHA in their breast milk, which contributes to healthy brain development. A good balanced diet that includes Omega-3 fatty acids has shown to support brain development in young children and to increase their intelligence.

Learn How to Develop Your Child's Genius Visit How to Develop Your Child's Genius

Help for Slow Learning Children

By Esther Andrews

When we want to help "slow learning" children meet their challenges, we always have to start with evaluation. There are so many reasons why a child may face a challenge with certain subjects, some of which are often hidden to us, the adults.

A decisive reason that can cause a child to fall behind, is a learning disability. I will not discuss learning disabilities, since this is a subject that belongs in the hands of a skilled expert..

Another reason that can cause a child to fall behind, could be a slight hearing impairment, or a vision impairment. I recommend to check hearing and vision as soon as a problem becomes apparent.

Lets evaluate the reasons that could cause a child to appear to be a "slow learner". A child that has a dominant audio memory, may show difficulties in spelling, if he is encouraged to write the words several times in order to remember them. This is a learning method that works well with the people who have a dominant visual memory, but it is not effective at all for children who have a dominant audio memory.

A child that has a strong dominant visual memory, might have problems remembering tunes, music and songs. Methods can be used that take advantage of the child's learning style, in order to help him learn the material using his dominant style of learning. Teachers who receive training in this area, will be able to utilize methods appropriate for all styles of learning.

Some students have very active minds. They learn faster than other kids, and are actually very gifted learners. These children do not get the adequate stimulation for their minds in a classroom environment. These children experience real suffering, trying to follow the slow sequence of learning in the classroom. They lose their focus, and "go into their own world". They will appear to be slow learners, and occasionally will also create a behavioral problem. This case is hard to deal with if there is no special program for gifted children available in the school. The teacher will have to find a way to keep this child (or children) challenged and busy. In my son's classroom there was a child who was very gifted, and had a very active mind. The boy read an immense number of books at home, and had an amazing amount of knowledge. When the teacher tried to teach in class, he always tried to intervene with a "related" story. Of course, that caused an interruption in the classroom, and the child was determined to have a behavioral problem and a learning disability. When he was enrolled in a special class that employed accelerated learning, the problem was solved.

Another common case is a child that was told that he is a "slow learner" before. For example, in Mathematics. A child had some challenge with a Math concept, and the teacher, a parent, or a classmate, made a comment, ridiculed him or laughed at him, and the child got the idea that he "is slow in Math". When a child tries to solve a problem, he has to believe that he can and will solve the problem. A child that does not believe that he can solve the problem, may start the process of looking for a solution, but will stop before he has found the solution, because he gives up. In this case, dealing with the problem takes encouragement and lots of praise. Cooperation between the teacher and the parents will help accelerate the solution. A good example is a young college student I have met, who believed her teacher in second grade, who told her that she is "not good in math". She took a Logic class, and succeeded tremendously. She told me that she was amazed when she found out that Logic is a branch of math. This young student was so amazed to find out that she can succeed in anything that is related to Mathematics.

Children are naturally very fast learners, but differ in learning styles, ability to focus, self confidence and personality. The school environment of today does not accommodate all learning styles and all personalities. Learning in a big group sometimes creates an environment that supports one child, but neglects another, to some degree. If there is no learning disability, or a physical reason, then taking the time to find out what the reason is and how to deal with it as early as possible, is a crucial thing to do to stop the child from falling behind. An alert teacher or a diligent parent can make a big difference in the child's future.

Visit How to Develop Your Child's Genius

Baby Sleep Problems - What Effect Does Feeding Have?

New Mums and Dads and even parents with several kids, often find that their little baby may not be sleeping as well as he or she should.

Many parents look for the underlying cause of the problem, hoping to find a simple answer. This also leaves some parents questioning if feeding could have something to do with the problem.

The intent of this article is to investigate further into the different aspects of feeding your small baby and examine the effects that feeding could perhaps have on a baby's sleeping routine and habits.

First, we should list the particular feeding areas that we will be discussing. These are:
Mixing Breast-feeding and Bottle Feedings
Feeding your baby to sleep
What are YOU eating and can it affect your baby's sleeping pattern?
Can solids help your baby sleep?

Mixing Breast-feeding and Bottle Feedings

It is believed that a mixture of bottle and breast in feedings could potentially lead to sleeping problems. There are a couple of different reasons for this when you are breast-feeding your little baby. With each feeding, the breast is signaling to the brain that more milk needs to be produced for the following feeding. When a bottle is incorporated into feedings, this process could be interfered with. The breast will start to produce less milk due to the less frequent breast feedings.

Also, during the times when you do breast-feed your baby, he or she will not get as full with the breast-feeding because of the lessening of milk supply. Therefore your baby will require feeding more frequently which will mean his or her sleep patterns will be interrupted by the need for feeding.

Feeding your baby to sleep

Feeding your child until he or she goes to sleep may be creating a problem with their sleep patterns. Your baby will soon begin to recognize that you feed him or her at bedtime. This will become something they depend on and expect. Normally, this will be the situation with each waking throughout the night as well.

There are of course, techniques you can use to stop your baby from depending on feedings to fall asleep.

Firstly, change the time or the amount of time you feed your baby when nearing his or her bedtime. Doing so will gradually remove the association of bedtime with feeding.

Another option is to feed your child earlier in the evening instead of as a bedtime routine. When you do these things your baby will not associate feeding with bedtime. This will help your baby to learn to fall asleep on his or her own accord.

What are YOU eating and can it affect your baby's sleeping pattern?

The answer quite simply is yes. As a breast-feeding mom, everything that you drink or eat will affect your breast milk. If you do not eat the correct amount of foods and calories daily, your breast milk is greatly affected. It is important that you eat the recommended three meals daily and maybe a few snacks in between. Your milk needs to have adequate calories in it in order for your baby to feel nicely full and satisfied. If it does not, he or she will continue to feed longer until full.

You need to eat healthier foods and eat them more regularly, as well as having plenty to drink throughout the day. This will help your milk supply, thus helping your baby and his or her sleep patterns. The fuller your baby feels, the better he or she will sleep.

Will solids help your baby to sleep?

Many people believe this will help, but studies have not associated any change in babies who were fed by the breast and / or bottle and those who are fed solids. This has not been proven to help the baby to sleep at all. Generally, Doctors do not recommend adding solid foods prior to six months of age.

Chris Towland

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How to Deal with Your Baby’s Sleeping Problems

Many people would attest how rewarding parenthood can be, but these same people would also say how difficult it is to take care of a baby. Perhaps the most difficult part of having baby is sleep – the baby’s and yours as well. It is thus important to know how to deal with baby’s sleeping problems so that you can keep your sanity throughout your child’s babyhood.

Here are some tips on how to deal with your baby’s sleeping problems:

1. One way to deal with your baby’s sleeping problems is encourage a positive attitude toward sleeping at night – sleeping is an ordeal that cannot be forced into your baby, and in fact, forcing can just create more problems. The most that you can do is to stage a situation that is secure enough for your baby to be taken over by sleep. You should have a long-term goal in mind and that is to encourage your baby to have a positive attitude toward sleeping by instilling that sleep is something good to do, and not something that one has to do out of coercion or fatigue.

2. Help your baby get used to several sleep associations instead of just one; this will help you deal with your baby’s sleeping problems. There are different cues for your baby to sleep, it may be a song you sing, cradling, rocking, the blanket or whatever thing or activity that accompanies sleeping. It may not be a good idea if there is only one thing that your baby associates with sleep – what will happen if that is absent (e.g. you cannot sing for a night, you had to wash the blanket)? The baby should be able to sleep without being dependent on one stimulus.

3. Another way to deal with your baby’s sleeping problems is keep the baby calm during the day – some people recommend tiring the baby during the day so that he or she would sleep throughout the night. This can actually be counterproductive. Being calm and secure during the day helps the baby keep calm at night as well. If your baby is restless at night, make a list of situations that could have made him or her unsettled during the day. Try to eliminate these things and observe if things would improve during sleeping time.

4. Keep startling sounds away – you do not really need to make the nursery sound proof since you baby can actually block out noise. However, sudden episodes of sound can be very startling even if they are just squeaks or small squeals. Be sure to have your hinges and joints oiled, put the dog away, turn off the phone ringer when your baby is sleeping so that there would not be any suddenly disturbing noises around to cause baby’s sleeping problems.

5. Leave a bit of your self – baby’s sleeping problems stem from separation anxiety. You do not really have to be present the entire time your baby sleeps, but you can leave something behind that would remind your little one of you. Record your voice singing your baby’s favorite lullaby and have it playing on a loop. Leave a piece of your clothing or a breast pad so that your baby can smell your presence. These things can help keep secure your baby and a big help to resolve baby’s sleeping problems.

It is indeed important to keep your baby well-rested; otherwise, you yourself would not be able to rest. Knowing how to deal with your baby’s sleeping problems is a very essential part of parenthood.

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